Friday, October 21, 2011

Dear Future Husband ...

Dear Future Husband,

I dunno if you know this or not, but Im a really big picture person. I taking pictures and I love having my picture taken. My Mom tells me that Im a ham. But in some small way, I think that she made me a Ham. See, im her first child and she took eighty million pictures of me from babyhood to childhood. It was even way back when we didnt have digital cameras, where we could take all the pictures we want and delete the ones that we dont like and keep the ones that we do. No, this was back in the ninties when they had 35 mm cameras that ate film and required a trip to Wal Mart to have the ancient film developed. I had one of those camera when I was twelve. Finally my parents gave up on how many times we had to go to the store to have the photos developed and so they just gave me a digital for Christmas. I love my digital. It proven to be a good friend all these years.
But you are going to need to be a picture person as well. Or at least, you need to learn how to be. Because I want to have a lot of pictures of us. All the millions of happy, cute things we do together. All the days where Im hoping my face looks nice, and my hair looks brushed. Hopefully us holding hands, and smiling at the camera like we are the last two people on the Earth and we just are so happy to be best friends.
I sure hope you dont mind.

Love Shann

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