I really am at a loss of words sometimes. Ive been wracking away at my brain, hopeful to find something to share. To no avial of course....
No. I dont really want to tell the story of last Thursday when I had a break down in the cafeteria at school.
No. I dont want to talk about how I spent my four day weekend doing homework and going grocery shopping.
No. I dont want to talk about Charlie, the movies Ive seen lately ( far too few, if you ask me ) or the book im reading ( brave girl eating... the cover of this book, my co worker pointed out looks just like the book cover for the book Twilight ) And I feel like the adventures Ive been on lately are far too few and slighly ragged in their own way. ( its obviously winter time )
But for now, I will say this:
1) This is what I will be working on this week:
( I printed out a copy of it and taped it to my school binder. )
And 2)
Have you seen anything more brilliant for Valentines Day? I havent.....
Ahh, I'm dying dying dying to see The Vow! It looks so perfect!